Saturday, March 20, 2010

The uncalled lavish politics!

Situations seen in the Indian political platforms are often pathetic evoking hilarious views from its own citizens and foreigners too. Honours of welcome and thanks givings to political leaders had never been so indifferent and deficient with respect to current social status of India. Recently, a political leader was garlanded a huge garland completely made up of 1000 rupee notes which summed up to an amount of Rs. 5 crores. This was done on the silver jubilee celebrations of the political party. After the comments were recieved by opposition parties, a back stroke resulted instead of a small mature realisation by the party members. The party members proclaimed of using much heavier garlands exceeding 5 crores from then onwards!

These kind of incidents seem rebellious after knowing that India has many issues to attend for the privilege of it's low class citizens yet. The political arena is all blind by their game of 'eye for an eye'! leaving behind the country's progress. The elected leaders are untouched by the financial crisis being faced by the below average Indians. Financial crisis in the below average Indians points out the problems suffered due to the absence of basic neccessities for a living like malnutrition, unattended basic health issues, illiteracy, child labour and many more problems.

India ranks 24th in Global hunger and malnutrition index, inspite of all the IT and BT revolutions. India is home to the world’s largest food insecure population according to the Global Hunger Index 2008 released by Washington-based International Food Policy Research Institute in New Delhi. British High Commissioner Richard Stagg from his country's Department for International Development (DFID), had donated Rs.80 crore to tackle malnutrition in Madhya Pradesh in November 2009 .

When the foreign governments make it a point to check the malnutrition status in India, why not the Indian political leaders take up the charge who are the most obliged? When seen on a layman's way of spending the 5 Crore, the amount in the 5 crore garland would have made a big difference to the underprivileged families in many slum areas by providing nutritious food for the people atleast for a single day! The unseen dark thin skins of the slums would have remembered the 'feast' all through their lives!

The uncathy political leaders and their lavish political ceremonies are duly uncalled for, inorder to realise the dream of a 'developed' India ! It is time that the civilized citizens take up right decisions and actions to check for the right governance and voice against such events.

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